Tap water for healthy & pretty skin?

Aloha Gorgeous!

Remember being taught that you were made of  75% of water? And let me guess, you’ve already come across the advise that drinking 1.5 to 3 litres a day was healthy?

Well, now what if tap water was not really clean? Did you ever think that drinking it could affect your body and eventually your skin?Toxin in, toxin out. Right?  

Check out a cool article on tap water @ Greatest

Be aware that tap water quality varies depending on location. If you are not happy with yours and choose the pricey way of bottled water, don’t forget to recycle! And if you can afford a proper filter, definitely go for it. Still, do your own research before investing in an expensive filter.

Drink lots of water, love your skin & let it breathe!

Looking for healthy cosmetics? Email me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my Facebook page.

With love G

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