What would happen if you didn’t drink water?


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

I have been writing a lot about the benefits of switching from drinking cow milk to plant-based milk lately… I hope I didn’t bore you.

I thought, I’d keep it short this time.

Just wanted to share this interesting video by TED-ed – Lessons worth sharing!

Click Here 😉 Enjoy!

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

With love G

PS: Do you want to cleanse your system and increase your metabolism with a quality detox tea? Reach me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or pm me on my FBK page.



Food Tampering!


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome

Have you heard of Glutamate also known as MSG? Here’s a little definition: ‘Glutamate occurs naturally in protein-containing foods such as cheese,milk, mushrooms, meat, fish, and many vegetables. Glutamate is also produced by the human body and is vital for metabolism and brain function. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is the sodium salt of glutamate’

I heard someone saying once that we were eating ‘alien food’. I thought I understood what she meant; with all the sugar and the salt added to food, sure it’s alien! But then I came across ‘added’ glutamate (MSG). Does the fifth taste called umami ring a bell?

Apparently, MSG is not a meat tenderizer neither a preservative. It is added to food by companies because it tricks your tongue into thinking that food is high in protein. Thanks to MSG, the cost of production is cheaper because companies reduce the amount of real food contained in their final product. MSG also stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin and is a magical ‘anti-appetite suppressant’ for customers to be hungry about an hour later and crave more food. Excess glutamate is transformed into GABA (that may be addictive) by the body as it affects the same receptors in the brain as Valium.

Do you want to know more?

If you are sensitive and think that you react to MSG, be careful with labelling because even though the package may be labelled ‘glutamate free’ well, you’re in for a surprise because there are ways to get away with including glutamate and not labelling it. Check this table: http://www.truthinlabeling.org/hiddensources.html

What if we limited our glutamate intake from natural protein-containing foods such as cheese,milk, mushrooms, meat, fish, and vegetables?

Love your body, nourish & cleanse it!

With love G

PS: Do you want to speed up your body’s cleansing metabolism? E-mail me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my facebook page

Thank you so much! You made my day <3

Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

A big thank you to all the readers, likers and followers of solutions to pollution! I really appreciate your support and I hope you’ll enjoy the coming posts. I wish you all a wonderful day.✨

With love G

PS: Love your skin, nourish it & let it breathe!

So healthy these cosmetics are…


Aloha Gorgeous!

Did you know that you could avoid ingesting your lipstick’s toxic chemicals while eating your healthy diet? Yes, there are cosmetics made of healthy ingredients. So healthy these cosmetics are safe even comestible.

Does the sound of using non toxic lipstick and foundation on your precious skin excite you? E-mail me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my FBK page.

I came across that beautiful picture and thought it would work amazingly well for a campaign on non toxic cosmetics! Check out Christina Otero art work!

Love your skin, nourish it and let it  breathe!

With love G

Tap water for healthy & pretty skin?

Aloha Gorgeous!

Remember being taught that you were made of  75% of water? And let me guess, you’ve already come across the advise that drinking 1.5 to 3 litres a day was healthy?

Well, now what if tap water was not really clean? Did you ever think that drinking it could affect your body and eventually your skin?Toxin in, toxin out. Right?  

Check out a cool article on tap water @ Greatest

Be aware that tap water quality varies depending on location. If you are not happy with yours and choose the pricey way of bottled water, don’t forget to recycle! And if you can afford a proper filter, definitely go for it. Still, do your own research before investing in an expensive filter.

Drink lots of water, love your skin & let it breathe!

Looking for healthy cosmetics? Email me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my Facebook page.

With love G

PS: Check out my Weebly Website

Test your makeup foundation

Agonising in style vs glowing healthily

Aloha Gorgeous!

Do you wish your skin was healthier and more beautiful?

Well, I dare you to test your favourite product! Pour some of your makeup foundation in a glass of water, stir it with a spoon and watch what happens.

So tell me, does your foundation mix with the water? Or does it shrink and float? Is your spoon clean of foundation or does the foundation stick to the spoon? And is it easy or hard to wash it off?

The truth is that most makeup foundations block your pores. So I am pretty sceptical that they nourish and moisturize the skin. I understand that you want to hide your flaws and look your best. But be aware that applying makeup foundation might worsen your skin condition.

I was shown that simple test a while ago and realised that my makeup foundation was no good. I kept on using it, simply because I would not trash CHF.-179. But deep inside, I was pretty disappointed that such an expensive product would respond just the same as a £7 BB cream.

Which makeup foundation do you think is best for your skin? A sticky and oily one that is most likely to block your pores. Or, a none sticky and none oily one that lets you skin breath?

Love your skin, nourish it & let it breathe!

Interested in a skin friendly and healthy makeup foundation? Contact me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com

With love G

PS: Check out my Weebly Website

Dear Gorgeous

Beautiful and healthy skin     A healthy foundation for a beautiful skin

You know that your smile makes you irresistible! But let me guess, dolling yourself up is part of your morning routine anyway. Right?

I wonder what foundation you are using at the moment. I use to buy from Estee Lauder but my favourite product was discontinued so I switched to Valmont. Both foundations were fine but quite expensive, I must confess.

Then, I came across a product that made me questioned the expensive foundation I was using. To be honest, I am now completely sceptical to most products available on the market today. Are you wondering why?

Well, I dare you to put a tiny amount of the foundation you are using in a glass of water and stir it with a small spoon. I bet the result looks nothing like the picture I added to this post!

My guess: the water and your foundation did not mix at all; there are oily bits and tiny chunks floating and sinking here and there. The result does not look very glamorous. Right? Well, that is what you are applying on your beautiful face…Now just ask yourself, does the mix give you the impression that you are really nourishing your skin? Or is the mix more likely to prevent your skin from breathing by blocking your pores?

Be aware that your skin reflects not only what you eat, but the amount of water you drink and the products you use.

If you are interested in having more information about the product I am recommending, please e-mail me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com

Love your skin, nourish it & let it breathe!

With love G

PS: Check out my Weebly Website