Enjoy & Cleanse your system!

 Aloha Gorgeous/ Handsome,

What are your thoughts on our fast/junk food culture? Tasty & cheap? We love it! Right? Sooooooooo yummy but so not nutritious…Did you buy some this week?

Well, for the sake of our healths, let’s enjoy those foods with moderation! Yes?

Now, let’s say we’ve enjoyed some fast food. What’s next?

Well, my tip number 1: ditch the soda and switch to water because it is important to cleanse our body. If it’s too much to ask, then maybe drink half the soda but make sure you drink lots of water!

Love your body & cleanse it!

With love G

PS: My tip number 2 is speeding up my cleansing process by picking a healthy & tasty herbal drink. Which taste are you: Cinnamon, Lemon, Peach, Raspberry or Mint? E-mail me your choice at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my FBK page.