Sugar: a sweet addiction

Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

I have already dedicated two posts to the topic of sugar but I thought that video was worth sharing.

If you have not read my previous posts, I kindly invite you to have a quick read:

You’ve got more than one choice

$ugar; a legal high!

Love your body, nourish and cleanse it!

With love


PS: With Christmas and New Year fast approaching, I’ve got a feeling that we’ll be indulging a fair bit!  My solution: drinking a delightful detox tea. If you are interested in treating yourself and your love ones with a small budget, inbox me. ❤

Buying pre-chopped fruits & vegetables


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome!

Have you ever thought about the stuff added to the pre-chopped fruits and pre-chopped salads to make them last longer and look fresh?

Preservatives are added to food to prolong shelf life. These type of food additives keep the products from being broken down by microorganisms such as mold, bacteria, and yeast that can cause food spoilage and are found practically everywhere. 

If we are into healthy eating, I think we should stay away from all the ”lazy healthy” products.If you really want to be healthy, then why not go all the way through? Just buy the whole thing, wash it and chop it yourself, safe and sound. Why add unnecessary ‘natural’ preservatives and chemicals to our diet when there is really no use for it? What do you think?

Read this too, if you are interested on the topic.

Love your body & nourish it!

With love G,

 PS: Did you know that there are fruit and vegetable rinse products? Get rid of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Do you want some recommendations? contact me at or PM me on Facebook 

Food Tampering!


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome

Have you heard of Glutamate also known as MSG? Here’s a little definition: ‘Glutamate occurs naturally in protein-containing foods such as cheese,milk, mushrooms, meat, fish, and many vegetables. Glutamate is also produced by the human body and is vital for metabolism and brain function. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is the sodium salt of glutamate’

I heard someone saying once that we were eating ‘alien food’. I thought I understood what she meant; with all the sugar and the salt added to food, sure it’s alien! But then I came across ‘added’ glutamate (MSG). Does the fifth taste called umami ring a bell?

Apparently, MSG is not a meat tenderizer neither a preservative. It is added to food by companies because it tricks your tongue into thinking that food is high in protein. Thanks to MSG, the cost of production is cheaper because companies reduce the amount of real food contained in their final product. MSG also stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin and is a magical ‘anti-appetite suppressant’ for customers to be hungry about an hour later and crave more food. Excess glutamate is transformed into GABA (that may be addictive) by the body as it affects the same receptors in the brain as Valium.

Do you want to know more?

If you are sensitive and think that you react to MSG, be careful with labelling because even though the package may be labelled ‘glutamate free’ well, you’re in for a surprise because there are ways to get away with including glutamate and not labelling it. Check this table:

What if we limited our glutamate intake from natural protein-containing foods such as cheese,milk, mushrooms, meat, fish, and vegetables?

Love your body, nourish & cleanse it!

With love G

PS: Do you want to speed up your body’s cleansing metabolism? E-mail me at or inbox me on my facebook page

Mmm Poisonous frying…

Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome

So how did you like your steamed veggies? Really? You’re back to the tasty frying style! Well, how old is your pan? Check that the PTFE coating (Teflon) does not look like the picture above. We would not want you to be eating toxic gases released by broken down PTFE coating while cooking your healthy dishes!

I’m all about using a ceramic pan! What about you?


Check this article on the topic and try cooking without oil!

Love you body & nourish it!

With love G

PS: Looking for real healthy supplements to nourish your body? Drop me an e-mail at or inbox me on my Facebook page