BPA Free & good tips


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

Tell me, what do you know about BPA?

Not much? Here’s some info for you =))

BPA stands for Bisphenol A. It is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s.

BPA is found in polycarbonate plastics that are usually used as containers to store food and beverage such as water bottles.

Epoxy resins also contain BPA and are usually used to coat the inside of metal products such as food cans.

Research has shown that containers made of BPA have possible health effects. That is, BPA can leak into food or drinks and affect the brain of infants and children causing changes in their behaviour.

However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved BPA as being a safe component due to the very low levels that can occur in both beverages and foods.

Here are some tips of how to go about a BPA FREE lifestyle:

  • Look for BPA FREE products
  • Know that plastics marked with recycle codes 3 or 7 may be made out of BPA
  • Reduce your use of canned foods
  • Avoid heat. The National Institute of Environmental health Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health, advises against microwaving polycarbonate plastics or putting them in the dishwasher, because the plastic may break down over and allow BPA to leach into foods.
  • Use glass, porcelain or stainless steel containers for hot foods and liquids instead of plastic containers.
  • Use wooden cooking tools instead of plastic ones

Love your body, nourish and cleanse it!

With love,


PS: Interested in a colourful BPA FREE bottle? Inbox me on my FBK page

‘Dark’ hair conditioning


Aloha Gorgeous/ Handsome,

Looking for good hair conditioning? Give Neem and Amla powder a try! I have read that it is better to have dark hair when using them… I let you do your own research. ❤

Some of the many benefits of using the powders:

  • A fix for dandruff
  • Gives a natural shine
  • Nourishes hair from root to tip
  • Reduces hair fall


If you live in London UK, you might be interested by this website. Check it out!

With love G

PS: Looking for healthy, natural and refreshing shampoo and conditioner? Contact me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or pm on my Facebook page

Mmm Poisonous frying…

Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome

So how did you like your steamed veggies? Really? You’re back to the tasty frying style! Well, how old is your pan? Check that the PTFE coating (Teflon) does not look like the picture above. We would not want you to be eating toxic gases released by broken down PTFE coating while cooking your healthy dishes!

I’m all about using a ceramic pan! What about you?


Check this article on the topic and try cooking without oil!

Love you body & nourish it!

With love G

PS: Looking for real healthy supplements to nourish your body? Drop me an e-mail at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my Facebook page

Care for your lovely skin

Aloha Gorgeous,

Thought I should share this video.

Love your skin, nourish it & let it breathe!

Interested in trying a healthy cleansing foam that respects your skin natural PH balance? E-mail me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my FBK page.

With love G

Brain fuel: the bulletproof style!

Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome

Where do you get your energy in the morning?  Do you have a big breakfast? Do you have a small one or do you skip it but drink your unmissable cup(s) of coffee?

Sadly, I just cannot stand the smell of coffee let alone the taste of it… But recently, I was introduced to a brand: Bulletproof coffee beans by a very interesting woman. So, I did a little research and I thought that the founder of the brand (Dave Aspey) came up with an interesting concept. No, not his concept of dropping kilograms at a fast rate but the eat clean food & especially healthy fats aspect of it.

To make Bulletproof coffee you will need the following:
bulletproof coffee beans*
dietary supplement : Brain Octane* / cheaper alternative: coconut oil
a blender
grass fed butter UNSALTED!

Why bulletproof coffee beans? Apparently most of the coffee beans on the market are coated with Mycotoxins and bulletproof coffee beans undergo a special treatment which leaves them free of them.

Why Brain Octane? It is said to provide energy to the brain as it can be an alternative to glucose from dietary sugars and carbohydrates. It seems that Octane oil also has potent anti-microbial effects that help to support healthy digestion and immune function. 

Why grass fed butter? Simply because it is a completely natural fat that our body will digest more easily than if it came from cows that were fed modified grains or other unnatural food they would not normally eat.

I understand the Brand is quite expensive. Obviously, I did not try the coffee but I think that buying very good products & enjoying them is worth it. Even if we get smaller amounts, at least they are of good quality. What do you think?

Now I understand that a cup of coffee bulletproof style is quite filling. It is sold as a way to lose weight and there is also a Bulletproof diet book available. I have no idea what it says but please keep in mind that a healthy way to lose weight is and always should be through a healthy and varied diet & REAL exercising.

Little note: With the amount of fat contain in the bulletproof coffee, I really would advise you not to eat anything sugary on top of it!

Whether you adhere to the bulletproof coffee style or not, I definitely would advise you to switch to grass fed butter when eating. If you live in London, Waitrose and Ocado sell ‘Kerrygolo’.

Love your body, nourish it & cleanse it!

With love G

PS: Do you want to accelerate your body cleansing process? Email me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my FBK page ❤

* I have not yet researched the Bulletproof method used to clear coffee beans from Mycotoxins. Neither have I researched what octane oil really is. I will certainly post about those two points in a near future.

Let’s talk about sweat!


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome

Here is a little mise en scene:

You’re all dolled up and running late. You leave your house in a hurry, get to the station and run down the stairs to catch the train. As you jump in, the doors are closing behind you. You made it! Yay you feel like a Queen! Now, you’re standing and realise that all the effort left you sweating a tiny bit. It’s just great! Right?

What antiperspirant are you using at the moment?

Did you know that most antiperspirants use aluminium that block your pores preventing them from sweating? Well, sweating is healthy and it is a natural process but absorbing aluminium isn’t. Don’t you think? There have been studies proving that antiperspirants containing aluminium may lead to breast cancer…

So ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to check if your antiperspirant contains aluminium and if it does I recommend you to switch to one that is aluminium free and is mainly made out of natural ingredients. You also should know that it will take about 3 weeks for your pores to unclog and only then will your sweat start to regulate!

Love your armpits, detox them and let them breathe!

With love G

PS: E-mail me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my FBK page and I’ll send you a link to an awesome antiperspirant alternative. ❤

Thank you so much! You made my day <3

Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

A big thank you to all the readers, likers and followers of solutions to pollution! I really appreciate your support and I hope you’ll enjoy the coming posts. I wish you all a wonderful day.✨

With love G

PS: Love your skin, nourish it & let it breathe!

Dieting? What’s your Dosha?

Aloha Gorgeous/Handsome!

Nope, this post is not about miraculous weigh loss but about a healthy way of eating. Have you ever heard about Ayurveda? If you haven’t, enjoy this little intro!


For starters, according to your body type you are either one or two of the following Doshas.

Each Dosha requires different portions of food.


More importantly, certain kinds of food are attributed to each Dosha. Eg:


According to your Dosha, you are advised to avoid or consume in little quantities certain kinds of food because they aggravate your Dosha. Do a little research & enjoy the benefits of eating this way. Start by reading this!

Love your body & nourish it!

PS: Looking for healthy vitamins, supplements & snack bars free of chemicals? e-mail me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my FBK page

Dieting? Ditch the White Stuff! 

Aloha Gorgeous/Handsome

This post is not about loosing weight but switching to a healthy diet. Does yours contain what is on the picture below?

Balanced diet

Balanced diet

My tip: ditch the White stuff! Yes, say bye bye to white bread, white pasta, white rice, white sugar and switch to whole grain foods. Why? Simply because whole grain foods contain all the good stuff that has been removed from the white stuff such as fibres. If you don’t want to switch then at least alternate and always eat with moderation!

Love your body & nourish it!

With love G

PS: Looking for healthy supplement & vitamins free of chemicals? e-mail me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my FBK page.

So healthy these cosmetics are…


Aloha Gorgeous!

Did you know that you could avoid ingesting your lipstick’s toxic chemicals while eating your healthy diet? Yes, there are cosmetics made of healthy ingredients. So healthy these cosmetics are safe even comestible.

Does the sound of using non toxic lipstick and foundation on your precious skin excite you? E-mail me at giulianna.aedo.ibo@gmail.com or inbox me on my FBK page.

I came across that beautiful picture and thought it would work amazingly well for a campaign on non toxic cosmetics! Check out Christina Otero art work!

Love your skin, nourish it and let it  breathe!

With love G