For those with a sweet tooth


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

I hope you had a nice bank holiday and that the first day back at work wasn’t too hectic. For the lucky ones who are still on holiday, enjoy what is left of your Easter break! 😉

So tell me, did you eat some egg or bunny shaped chocolate this year? I shared a cute bunny shaped chocolate with my partner. However not long after that, I came across this interesting video and thought I’d share it with you. It is about the history of chocolate.

If you are a chocolate lover ( or addict ^^’) with a conscience, I would recommend you to buy chocolate with fair trade logos such as the followings:


Don’t you think it is worth helping people who are trying to make this world a better place?

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

With love G

PS: Do you want to cleanse your system and increase your metabolism with a quality detox tea? Reach me at or pm me on my FBK page.

Sprouting explained!


Aloha Gorgeous/ Handsome,

Ever heard of sprouting before?

If you are clueless, no worries here is an explanation: sprouting involves soaking and rinsing pulses (lentils, beans and peas) for a few days in order to start the germination process -when the little seed cracks open and a tiny shoot sticks out (just like on the picture). This process usually takes a day or two however you can keep at it until a longer shoot or even a tiny leaf is present. This is a matter of personal taste so ultimately your choice.

Through the process of germination, starches inside the pulses are transformed into simpler sugars, making them much more easier to digest. Germination changes the nutrients in the pulses and increases the protein levels. High in fibre, sprouted pulses provide good support for your gut flora. After the pulses undergo the germination process, it is supposedly best to eat them raw for full nutritional benefits.

Always buy organic pulses from a reputable supplier:

-Lentils- green, brown, puy, yellow (must be whole not split)
-Chick peas( garbanzo beans)
-Mung beans
-Black eye beans
-Adzuki beans
-Alfalfa seeds

You will need:

-A large glass jar such as from coffee or mayonnaise without the lid.
-A piece of wedding veil tulle or fine mesh or voile to use instead of the lid.


  1. Put one or two tables spoons of pulses into a glass jar – Don’t worry, it might seem too little but the pulses will expand massively as they sprout and will need room for growth and aeration.
  2. Then fill the jar with water and let it soak either overnight or during the day.
  3. Either way, after approximately 12 hours fasten a piece of veil netting or tulle over the top of the jar with an elastic band to prevent the seeds from falling and pour the water out.
  4. Rinse the seeds by pouring fresh water back through the netting and then pour the water through the netting again. Repeat several times.
  5. Finally leave the jar upside down at an angle to drain the water on the darning board.

If you want to know more about sprouting have a look at this article and do some more research online. =)

I hope you will try this method and enjoy sprouted pulses in your salads, stirs and any other of your yummy dishes.

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

Ps: Are you looking for healthy products rich in fiber? PM me on my FBK page or email me at

Something tasty, something cold


Aloha Gorgeous/ Handsome,

Everybody loves a Popsicle! Right?  With spring around the corner, I thought I’d share this little anecdote: I used to eat ice-creams once in a while during summer time but then I met my other half who would eat one every night- even in winter! So when we moved together, I found myself in a little bit of a pickle! Tell me, who can resist ice-cream? So one day I came up with a healthier alternative: I made ice pops and he loved them.

If you want to avoid milk, all the artificial chemicals, unnecessary sweeteners and conservatives found in ice-creams why not make ice pops instead?

I promise it is very simple and you can choose your flavours or even get creative if you like experimenting! =)

First you need to get some ice pop makers (BPA free if possible).


Then all you have to do is:

  • Buy and wash your favourite fruits (peel and chop them if necessary)
  • Mix it all in a blender with some water
  • Fill in the ice pop makers with your mix and put them in the freezer
  • Be patient… Et voila, you can enjoy your healthy ice pops!

I hope you enjoyed this short post and that you’ll give ice pops a try.

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

With love G

PS: Do you want to cleanse your system and increase your metabolism with a quality detox tea? Reach me at or pm me on my FBK page.



Feeling a little peckish?


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

Your tummy is rumbling, you got to eat something quick.

What do you have on hand? A chocolate bar, some sweets or crisps?

If you want to be productive, I would recommend you to give almonds and all their good nutrients a try.

Almonds are packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibres. Ayurveda claims that almonds are energising and balancing for the mind. It is recommended to pre-soak almonds to ease digestion and increase nutrients absorption. Eating soaked almonds in the morning sets hydrochloric acid tolerance for the day and provide all-day protein digestion. Almonds should not be taken on an empty stomach, they should be accompanied with fruits. They are ideal for individuals with Vata dosha. =)

There are many benefits of eating pre-soaked almonds regularly. They are known as one of the best brain tonics. They are rich in essential fats and serves to improve memory and intelligence. Another benefit of eating pre-soaked almonds is an overall improvement of the texture of your skin. Almonds are an effective moisturiser for the skin!

There is no need to peel the skin as it contains anti-oxidants and it contributes to a significant part of the fibre content. Almonds are good for preventing diabetes, heart problems and cancer.

So what do you think? Would you soak almonds overnight? One way of doing it:

  • Rinse thoroughly almonds in water and soak almonds in the double quantity of water.
  • Cover the bowl with a fine cloth. Do not use a tight locking lid.
  • Soak the almonds at room temperature for 8 to 10 hrs
  • Drain the water and rinse prior to eating

Nourish, cleanse and love your body!

With Love G

PS: Do you want to cleanse your system and increase your metabolism with a quality detox tea? Reach me at or pm me on my FBK page.

What would happen if you didn’t drink water?


Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

I have been writing a lot about the benefits of switching from drinking cow milk to plant-based milk lately… I hope I didn’t bore you.

I thought, I’d keep it short this time.

Just wanted to share this interesting video by TED-ed – Lessons worth sharing!

Click Here 😉 Enjoy!

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

With love G

PS: Do you want to cleanse your system and increase your metabolism with a quality detox tea? Reach me at or pm me on my FBK page.



Which plant-based milk to choose?


Aloha Gorgeous/ Handsome,

Why would you give up cow milk and switch to a plant- based milk?

Here are some reasons: If your level of cholesterol is gone off the track. If you suffer from milk allergies or are simply lactose intolerant. If none of the latter apply but you are a compassionate human being, then I invite you to keep on reading. =)

Did you know there are many other options to drinking cow milk? Let’s have a look at them:

Soy milk – plant-based with no cholesterol and only low amounts of saturated fats. Apparently it is healthy for your heart as soy’s got high levels of polyunsaturated fats, minerals and vitamins and fibre. Soy milk contains 7g of protein per glass.

Almond milk – plant-based with no cholesterol. Almond milk is low in protein compared to cow’s milk. Apparently not the best of choice.

Hemp milk – made out of the seeds of the hem pant (cannabis). I’m afraid, you’re not going to get high as it doesn’t contain THC- the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, which is a different variety of cannabis. Good alternative for soy allergies. Hemp milk is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid- good for the heart- and a good source of calcium and magnesium.

Coconut milk– with 4g of saturated fat, no cholesterol and made up of medium-chain fatty acids which are believed to have some health advantages towards preventing heart disease.

Rice milk – one cup of rice milk contains as much calcium as cow’s milk. This plant-based milk has no saturated fat, and no cholesterol- but it is naturally higher in carbohydrates. However, rice milk is low in proteins so if you drink milk be sure you get them elsewhere.

I would add Quinoa milk to the list!

Please, always make sure the milk you buy is unsweetened. As you guessed correctly, added sugar is completely useless and unhealthy. I think alternating the plant-based milk can be the best thing to do. What do you say?

Another positive side of plant-based milk is that there is no need to psychologically and physically abuse animals so we can enjoy their milk.

Click here to read the article I based this post on.

Nourish, cleanse and love your body!

With love G

Ps: Are you looking for healthy calcium herbal suplements? PM me on my FBK page or email me at

The milk industry explained in 5 minutes

Aloha Gorgeous/ Handsome,

I came across this video on Facebook and wanted to share it with you.

Please be warned, this video is a little harsh!

Let’s be honest here, did you know the milk industry was this seriously damaged?  I didn’t. This reality check  has put me off cow milk big time.

I do not think changes will happen anytime soon in that unethical industry. If they do, I would like to see that! I am just glad the truth is out there.

Now, if there was something you could do, would you do it?

Ditch the cow milk and switch to plant-based milks. Simple, isn’t it?

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

With love G

Ps: Are you looking for healthy calcium herbal suplements? PM me on my FBK page or email me at

What is lactose?

Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

Just like that, could you tell me what lactose is?

Well… Up until now, I didn’t know it was a sugar found in milk. Yes, lactose is a kind of sugar.

So what’s the deal with lactose?

Apparently our small intestine – where most food digestion and nutrients absorption takes  place- produces an enzyme called lactase. Lactase breaks down lactose into two simpler forms of sugar:glucose and galactose.

Unfortunately, some small intestines do not produce enough lactase and so have trouble breaking down lactose. The lactose that isn’t digested creates gas in the colon. Many people become naturally lactose intolerant over time because with age the small intestine produces less lactase. A body may also make less lactase if the small intestine is injured or if a person has certain digestive problems, such as Crohn’s or celiac disease.

So now you know, lactose intolerance is a common digestive problem where the body is unable to digest lactose (a kind of sugar found in cow milk).

For people who are lactose intolerant, staying away from cow milk and dairy products is healthier.

If you want to watch a ‘cute’ 2 minutes video on the topic click here.

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

With love G

Ps: Are you looking for healthy calcium herbal suplements? PM me on my FBK page or email me at

The world’s healthiest diets

Aloha Gorgeous/ Handsome,

What does the Mediterranean region and Japan have in common?

Well apart from being both beautiful places, they apparently have the world’s healthiest diets. Somehow, Japanese longevity beats that of Mediterraneans by 6 years!

Enjoy the beautifully designed and interesting diet infographic created by MEDIGO -Improves access to healthcare on a global scale.


So tell me which diet would you choose?

The Japanese one because you want to live forever and mostly because you love sushi? I think the Japanese diet rocks with just one red meat serving per month! A very good example to follow. Isn’t it?

Everybody loves pastas and bread so I wouldn’t be surprised if you picked the Mediterranean diet. However, if you have read my previous posts you would know where I stand on the subject of wheat. For me it is a big no no!

Instead of eating pasta and bread, I would recommend you to switch to quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and millet for a healthier diet. It is just a matter of transitioning slowly or even just alternating. Keep in mind to always rinse any of the grains thoroughly before cooking them.

And if you cannot live without pasta, there are some pasta made out of maize and rice by Doves Farm or  healthy gluten free noodles of all sorts by King Zoba. I do not know if you find them in grocery retailers. If not, I suggest you look for them in bio/gluten free food stores. I think those products are to be consumed with moderation as well. 😉

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

With love G

Ps: Are you looking for healthy products rich in fiber? PM me on my FBK page or email me at



Our second brain

Aloha Gorgeous / Handsome,

Did you ever come accross the term gut microbiota? If not, here is an explanation: a community of  microorganisms which live in the digestive tract and perform a number of functions, such as helping digest food and acting as a barrier for the immune system. So I guess it is pretty important to have a microbiota in good shape. Right?

Well my friend, if you are a townie like me, turns out we’re not as  lucky as people living a rural way of life. Studies have proved that living in an industrialised society has reduced the amount and altered the types of bacteria in our systems. This is due to the over-reliance on antibiotics and our over-sterilised environment among other factors. But let’s not worry too much as a good way to feed our gut with good bacteria is to eat complex carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables as well as legumes high in fibre, fresh produce grains, olive oil, some nuts, seeds and fish. In other words, we’re good as long as we maintain a healthy diet.

Now you must be wondering what any of this has to do with a second brain?…

As it turns out, we have neurons in our gut! According to new research and studies there is a link between the amount of good bacteria in your gut and your well-being. Apparently, our gut is just like a second brain where 95% of our bodys’ serotonin (happy hormone) is produced. Scientists believe the gut’s microbiota also plays a critical role in the brain’s emotional behaviour. Studies have shown that “Treatments based on bacteria – which [is called] psychobiotics – may be very beneficial if [someone suffers] from depression or anxiety.”

I had never heard of psychobiotics until now. However, I’ve been familiar with probiotics for quite some time. Probiotics help your digestion and boost your immune system, protecting you against colds, flu and other infections. Apparently, studies have shown that probiotics might even have a positive impact on our minds, especially when it comes to stress. When introducing good bacteria into your gut with probiotics, only a handful of bacteria will make it. However that is helpful, because once in the gut the bacteria multiply. When buying probiotics look for a product with a few billion viable bacteria. The more bacteria, the more likely some will make it to your gut.

A healthy diet is very important but when you are following an antibiotic course, I strongly recommend you to intake probiotics as antibiotics kill all the bad bacteria as well as the good one!

If you are interested in the topic please have a look at this article 

Love your body, cleanse and nourish it!

With love G

PS: Do you want to boost your good bacteria with a quality product? PM me on here or email me at