Dear Gorgeous

Beautiful and healthy skin     A healthy foundation for a beautiful skin

You know that your smile makes you irresistible! But let me guess, dolling yourself up is part of your morning routine anyway. Right?

I wonder what foundation you are using at the moment. I use to buy from Estee Lauder but my favourite product was discontinued so I switched to Valmont. Both foundations were fine but quite expensive, I must confess.

Then, I came across a product that made me questioned the expensive foundation I was using. To be honest, I am now completely sceptical to most products available on the market today. Are you wondering why?

Well, I dare you to put a tiny amount of the foundation you are using in a glass of water and stir it with a small spoon. I bet the result looks nothing like the picture I added to this post!

My guess: the water and your foundation did not mix at all; there are oily bits and tiny chunks floating and sinking here and there. The result does not look very glamorous. Right? Well, that is what you are applying on your beautiful face…Now just ask yourself, does the mix give you the impression that you are really nourishing your skin? Or is the mix more likely to prevent your skin from breathing by blocking your pores?

Be aware that your skin reflects not only what you eat, but the amount of water you drink and the products you use.

If you are interested in having more information about the product I am recommending, please e-mail me at

Love your skin, nourish it & let it breathe!

With love G

PS: Check out my Weebly Website

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